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Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-24 um 14.44.59.png



Welcome to a transformative experience. My 1:1 Energy Healing Session is here to guide you on a spiritual journey towards reaching your highest potential. Achieving deep connection with your higher self, connect to other beings, reach high energy level, and start healing 🌟

During this session, me as an experienced energy healer holding Andromeda energy within, will work closely with you to identify and release any blockages that may be holding you back.

Through a combination of techniques such as quantum energy work, light language, chakra balancing, and intuitive guidance, we will help you tap into your inner power and unlock your true potential 💫

Here's what you can expect from the session:

✨ Personalized attention: I will tailor the session to your personal needs, ensuring that you receive the maximum benefit on all levels and all timelines.

✨ Deep healing: We will work on clearing energetic blockages, releasing negative patterns, and promoting emotional and physical well-being.

✨ Guidance and support: I will provide you with insights and tools to continue your healing journey beyond the session.

Start tuning into yourself today!

Anki Guru

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